','subtitle>',$line); echo $line; $line = "\n"; } else if (strstr($line, '','updated>',$line); } else if (strstr($line, '','published>',$line); } else if (strstr($line, ' Impractical Proposals <br> Santa Monica: 2008: The L.A. Times launches political blog


2008: The L.A. Times launches political blog

The Times' bloggers are Don Frederick and Andrew Malcolm. So, one professional journalist and one ideological conservative, about the best we can expect from the corporate media. Weirdly, there are links to the campaign sites of Tom Tancredo, Bill Richardson, Mike Gravel, Duncan Hunter, James Gilmore, Joseph Biden, Chris Dodd, Dennis Kucinich, Sam Brownback and Rudy Giuliani, but not to Mitt Romney, John McCain, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John Edwards. <http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/>

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