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Keeping Up: Daily California Political News

Frank Russo's California Progress Report -- "The Daily Briefing for Politics, Policy and Progressive Action" -- intends to be the "water cooler around which California progressives and other thoughtful Californians can gather -- to check in with each other and share information and points of view or to follow the news and the pulse of state politics and policy in more detail." You'll get more news in the headline on today's issue, "California Senate Passes Universal Single Payer Health Bill, Assembly Passes Minimum Wage Increase and Send Them to Governor; Flood Bill is Alive and Will Be Voted on; Prison Bills to Be Voted on Last in Assembly—Intense Labor Opposition," than you sometimes find in a whole issue of the L.A. Times.
California Progress Report: http://www.californiaprogressreport.com/


Community: Santa Monica Resident Portal

"This is your one-stop 'portal' for access to other Santa Monica residents. Together we are working to identify the concerns of residents and to work with our neighbors and our City Council to resolve our concerns with resident-friendly solutions. Why? Because we live here." -- from the website. <http://sm4residents.net/>